What do I do now? Is that what every new "blogger" thinks? My cousin has one, and she encouraged me to do this. I think she is braver than I.
We all need a way to vent our feelings, good or bad. And I need a hobby. Although it may be safer to just take up bowling. That would be less stressful. Not that I've ever been the one to take the easy way out. Apparenty I'm more prone to self-sabotage.
I've always been a writer. Diaries, short stories, long drawn out college thesis. Once I wrote a sequal to the movie "Goonies". In my defense, I was in the 3rd grade. I loved that movie.
I'm not saying that I'm a good writer, but I have always wanted to be. It's just always been easier for me to write than to speak the words out loud. Mostly because I can go back and review what is on the page, unlike when you are talking. That you can't edit. And I tend to talk too much, too soon, without thinking. The brain-to-mouth filter is just competely disfunctional. Ok, maybe I do take the easy way out sometimes.
My ultimate goal is to take my personal faux pas, and make them into some sort of best selling literary masterpiece. The problem is, I'm afraid it will suck. I'm not that interesting, I'm not that different, and I'm not that much funnier, cynical, or thought provoking than anyone else.
So why not start here? Where everyone in the free world can read it. Talk about jumping in head first! Not that it matters to anyone else, but I owe it to myself.